
K-12 Math in Nevada

k-12 math education in nevada

According to the 2019 National Report Card, Grade 4 students in Nevada scored 4 points below the national public average and Grade 8 students in Nevada scored 7 points below the national public average. With only 34% of Grade 4 students and 26% of Grade 8 students in Nevada scoring math proficiency, Nevada ranked sixth from the last for Grade 4 math and 8th from the last for Grade 8 math. While Nevada beats several states such as California in math performance, it only ranked 50th overall in K-12 education (above only New Mexico) when adding scores on school finance and “chance for success”.


School and Teacher Evaluation in Nevada

Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI) stated that the state’s math education hasn’t improved due to a lack of accountability. However, school officials claimed that no ineffective principal or administrator was present for the past four years. Moreover, only 0.1% of teachers were evaluated for the 2017-2018 school year, resulting in insufficient measures.


2021 School District Performance in Nevada

Nevada has a total of 9 school districts. According to the U.S. Department of Education, Eureka County School District is #1 Best School District in Nevada, followed by Douglas County School District in #2, and Storey County School District in #3. These rankings are based on state test scores, college readiness, graduation rates and more.



School District


School District

#1Eureka County School District#6Carson City School District
#2Douglas County School District#7Lincoln County School District
#3Storey County School District#8Churchill County School District
#4Washoe County School District#9Clark County School District
#5Pershing County School District


While there are long-term fixes to be made to Nevada’s math educational system, specialized math tutors can close the students’ learning gaps and re-establish their confidence in math. At MathProject, we provide regular math assessments to keep a close eye on our students’ progress, and communicate with parents to ensure they are mastering the concepts. All of MathProject’s teachers go through a rigorous screening process that requires them to demonstrate a record of excellence in university level math, mentorship, and leadership skills.


Contact us today at 1-844-628-4243 to book a free assessment. For more math tips on how to improve your child’s math education, subscribe to our newsletter below!

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State Performance Compared to the Nation – https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/
Nevada ranks 35th in nation for academic achievement, 50th overall in K-12 education report card – https://thenevadaindependent.com/
Nevada’s education woes reflect a lack of accountability, not insufficient funding – https://www.npri.org/
2021 Best School Districts in Nevada – https://www.niche.com/