Homework Policy for Parents & High School Students

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Join Math Aid Hours

MathProject hosts ‘Extra Math Aid Hours‘ to provide additional help and ensure students continue to succeed in Math. These are optional, drop-in Q&A sessions scheduled prior to the MathProject homework deadlines. Students are highly encouraged to join and clarify any homework questions.

Click to join MATH AID HOURS


Homework Policy

To ensure optimal benefit, students and parents must read and sign the following homework policies before the child’s first session in MathProject’s high school courses. We implement these rules to help students with key life skills, such as time management, work organization, setting priorities, meeting deadlines and above all, taking responsibility for their studies. All high school students must abide by the following policies.
  • Students must complete assigned homework on time and to the best of their abilities. They must show steps and follow the instructor’s guidelines.

  • Homework completion entails attempting and showing steps for each and every question in the assigned worksheet or exercise by the instructor, unless specified otherwise by the instructor. Even if the concept is not so clear, the student must try to attempt using the examples provided in class.
  • If a student is absent from a session due to any reason, any assigned homework will still be due by the deadline. The deadline would only be extended with reasonable documentary evidence, such as, a doctor’s note, boarding pass, etc. It will be the student’s responsibility to self-learn the content from the skipped session or parents could contact MathProject for extra one-on-one session, offered at additional costs.
  • The instructors inform the students about the weekly homework due within the first hour of the MathProject session. It is the student’s responsibility to work with the instructor during the session to develop clarity of homework concepts.
  • The student must let the instructor or MathProject administration know during the session if he or she is struggling with a concept and does not feel prepared to do the assigned homework.
  • Academic integrity is an essential component to student learning. Students must submit original work for all evaluations, actively avoiding plagiarism, cheating, copying, etc.
  • Parents must inform MathProject administration before the due date if a student can’t complete homework to avoid fines. Call or leave a voicemail at 1-844-628-4243.
  • Students must ensure that they receive Crowdmark links to submit the assigned work from the instructor before leaving the session.
  • The students must submit their classwork on the same day as the session by the deadline.
  • While encouraging timely submissions, MathProject administration grants high school students a three-day grace period, considering their school workload and other commitments. As such, the complete homework submission via Crowdmark is due no later than midnight on Tuesday following the MathProject session.

  • In case of technical difficulties with Crowdmark, email the homework to the instructor by the specified deadline, CCing MathProject administration and parents.

Equipment for online study sessions

Here are the equipments that we recommend as you prepare for the MathProject study sessions This will be extremely effective in facilitating a superior interactive experience in the online classroom:

  • OPTION A – Any writing tablet with a stylus
  • OPTION B – Any touch-screen laptop or tablet (such iPad, Samsung Tablet, etc) with a stylus
  • OPTION C – A non-touchscreen laptop with a mouse or trackpad
  • OPTION D- A cellphone

Some important considerations:

  1. Any touch screen device will work for Conceptboard notes. However, OPTION C & D should be the last resort if Option A & B are not accessible.
  2. Stylus is recommended for Option A & B. Alternatively, the student can use mouse/fingers to write.
  3. It is ideal for students to have two separate devices. One will be used for camera and the other for writing on Conceptboard.

Checklist to determine ‘Enrichment’ versus ‘Regular’ Status 

If your answer to any of the questions below is a ‘YES’, the student’s status in the program may be considered “Regular” (versus “Enrichment”). If ‘Enrichment’ you could qualify for a $50 per month scholarship payable towards your MathProject fees.

  1. We understand that MathProject curriculum is more challenging and accelerated than most North American public schools. Is the student behind MathProject’s Enrichment Track requirements for his/her grade level (See Appendix A for details)?*
  2. Does the student have trouble completing the assigned homework on time on a weekly basis and in an organized manner?**
  3. Does the student struggle with passing MathProject tests within the first 2 attempts?***
  4. Does the student opt-out of participating in math contests when selected by the program administrators?
  5. Was the student at or below the Canadian National Average in the Mathematica contest in the prior school year?
  6. Does the student have any behavioural issues?



  Grade Level  MathProject Enrichment Curriculum
Grade 2 – 4Successful Completion of Junior School Curriculum (Number Sense, Data Management, Measurement and Geometry)
Grade 5 – 6Successful Completion of Middle School Curriculum (Number Sense, Measurement and Book 1)
Grade 7 – 8Successful Completion of Middle School Curriculum (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 & Book 4)

New Student Onboarding

At MathProject, we pride ourselves on offering our parents responsive and excellent service. At this stage, here are some things you need to know about your new journey with us:

What to Prepare in Advance:

See Equipment Options

How to make use of the Weekly Performance report?

A video with new platform, policies and procedures is coming soon.

How to submit homework?

A video with new platform, policies and procedures is coming soon.

How to Ensure Your Child’s Progress Once Enrolled
  • MathProject invests a significant amount of resources to keep our parents informed of weekly performance, test results, and assigned homework through weekly performance report emails. If you do not receive an updated performance report from us by email within 24 hours of the MathProject’s study session, please notify us immediately. Kindly review the report on a laptop or desktop or clear the cache on cellphones. It is often the case that parents review the reports on their cellphones without clearing their web browser’s cache which displays the older version.
  • As our technology-system is Google-based, if you do not have a Gmail address, you will lose access to your child’s performance report every two weeks. In order to avoid the hassle of re-requesting access, we strongly recommend you create a Gmail address and set up mail forwarding to your regular non-Gmail email.
  • If you have homework-related questions or concerns, ‘Reply All’ (NOT ‘Reply’) to the latest performance report email, and we will address your query promptly. We strive to respond to all queries within 1 business day. Alternatively, you may also call us at 1-844-628-4243 extension 2.

The MathProject management is happy to be your primary point of contact at MathProject, and you are encouraged to contact us at any time with your questions, comments, and feedback.  If you have any MathProject-related questions or concerns, please call or text us at 1-844-628-4243 or email us at support@mathproject.us.

Academic Integrity Statement


[Parents & students are required to sign and place this MathProject Academic Integrity Statement on the cover page of quizzes, exams and assignments]:

“In submitting this [quiz, exam, test, contest or assignment], I confirm that my and my child’s conduct during this [quiz, exam, test, contest or assignment] adheres to MathProject’s Code of Conduct for Parents, Students and the MathProject team. I confirm that my child did NOT act in such a way that would constitute cheating, misrepresentation, or unfairness, including but not limited to, using unauthorized aids and assistance, impersonating another person, taking more than the allotted time and committing plagiarism.” 

Title of Submission:

Parent’s Signature:

MathProject’s Student Signature:

Date of Submission:


  1. It shall be an offence for a student and their parents knowingly:

(a) to forge or in any other way alter or falsify any document or evidence required by the MathProject, or to utter, circulate or make use of any such forged, altered or falsified document, whether the record be in print or electronic form;

(b) to use or possess an unauthorized aid or aids or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic examination or term test or in connection with any other form of academic work;

(c) to personate another person, or to have another person personate, at any academic examination or term test or in connection with any other form of academic work;

(d) to represent as one’s own any idea or expression of an idea or work of another in any academic examination or term test or in connection with any other form of academic work, i.e. to commit plagiarism.

(e) to submit, without the knowledge and approval of the instructor to whom it is submitted, any academic work for which credit has previously been obtained or is being sought at MathProject or elsewhere;

(f) to submit any academic work containing a purported statement of fact or reference to a source which has been concocted.

(g) to share tests, worksheets or any content provided by MathProject without the explicit permission in writing of MathProject’s management.

  1. It shall be an offence for a MathProject member knowingly:

(a) to approve any of the previously described offences;

(b) Do not evaluate a student’s academic work based on criteria unrelated to its merit, submission time, or performance manner.

  1. It shall be an offence for a MathProject team member and student alike knowingly:

(a) to forge or in any other way alter or falsify any academic record, or to utter, circulate or make use of any such forged, altered or falsified record, whether the record be in print or electronic form;

(b) to engage in any form of cheating, academic dishonesty or misconduct, fraud or misrepresentation not herein otherwise described, in order to obtain academic credit or other academic advantage of any kind.

(The Statement and Code has been adapted from the University of Toronto)