Homework Policy for Parents & High School Students

Before the first session, students and parents must read and sign our homework policies for optimal benefit from our courses. Implement rules fostering vital life skills: time management, work organization, setting priorities, meeting deadlines, and above all, taking responsibility for studies.
Hence, all high school students must adhere to the following homework policy:
  • Students must complete the assigned homework on time and to the best of their abilities. They must show steps and follow the instructor’s guidelines.
  • Homework completion entails attempting and showing steps for each and every question in the assigned worksheet or exercise by the instructor, unless specified otherwise by the instructor. Even if the concept is not so clear, the student must try to attempt using the examples provided in class.
  • If a student is absent from a session due to any reason, any assigned homework will still be due by the deadline. The deadline will only be extended with reasonable documentary evidence, such as a doctor’s note, boarding pass, etc. Students must self-learn skipped content or parents may contact MathProject for extra one-on-one sessions, available at additional costs.
  • The instructors inform the students about the weekly homework due within the first hour of the MathProject session. It is the student’s responsibility to work with the instructor during the session to develop clarity of homework concepts.
  • During the session, inform the instructor or MathProject administration if struggling with a concept and unprepared for assigned homework.
  • Academic integrity is an essential component to student learning. Students must submit original work for all evaluations and actively avoid plagiarism, cheating, copying, etc.
  • For incomplete homework, inform MathProject before the due date at 1-844-628-4243 to avoid fines.
  • Students must ensure that they receive Crowdmark links to submit the assigned work from the instructor before leaving the session.
  • The students must submit their classwork on the same day as the session by the deadline.
  • High school students receive a three-day grace period for homework, considering school workload and commitments, despite encouraging timely submissions. Complete homework via Crowdmark is due by midnight on the Tuesday following the MathProject session.
  • In case of Crowdmark issues, email the homework to the instructor by the deadline, CCing MathProject administration and parents.

Failure to complete and submit homework on time or in an acceptable condition will lead to a $25 fine per late or incomplete submission (up to a maximum of $25 per week). MathProject donates all fines to a registered Canadian charity. Before the start of the program, a $200 security deposit is required by check or etransfer, payable to MathProject, which will be refunded to parents at the end of the term after deducting any fines incurred.