Some high school students find math difficult – when they have the chance to drop it in grade 12, what choice do you think they’ll make? It’s likely that they’ll think, “Finally, I won’t have to deal with math anymore!” and will drop their math subject, believing that it’ll be the last time they’ll have to use it. Little do they know that math is an important part of everyday life! Without the right strengths in math, they may find it harder to overcome common life situations requiring an understanding of its concepts, resulting in regret from not taking math seriously. The simplest way to prevent this from happening? By hiring someone who’s highly knowledgeable in math, passionate about the subject and is willing to help your child succeed in all their math endeavors: a high school math tutor!
A high school math tutor can make your child’s learning experience more meaningful and wholesome, preparing them for a promising future through these three key aspects:
1. Makes high school curriculum easier to follow
High school can be a very memorable and exciting experience for your child, but a strict math curriculum may make that special experience less enjoyable. For even the most gifted student, they may not be able to keep up with the high school’s fast-paced curriculum expectations. With concepts introduced to students and tested on in a short amount of time, there’s typically no opportunity to go back and review them. Although textbooks and workbooks may be supplemented to help your child learn, they may not comprehend the examples given to solve other problems as well.
When their teacher doesn’t have the time to provide them with alternative methods and the answer key only shows them the end product, how will your child genuinely understand the concept? Without high school math help, your child will feel lost in their math education, demotivating them to continue their learning once they reach grade 12. A decision that could be quite costly to their future.
But with a high school math tutor, they will be able to diminish any concerns or issues your child has with math. They make it their mission to close any knowledge gaps while providing positive reinforcement and support, much like a mentor would. In teaching them math in a way they understand and enjoy, your child can become more confident and motivated in pursuing grade 11 and 12 math.
2. Eases transition into college or university
If your child has a dream college or university in mind, a high school math tutor can increase their chances of admission acceptance and help them maintain their academic progress.
They do so through exam preparation and personal guidance, helping your child understand what they need to do to get accepted and, in the best case, awarded with an entrance scholarship.
“My child can get an entrance scholarship WITHOUT the help of a high school math tutor!”
That may be true, but the chances of retaining that scholarship without assistance or high school math help may decline as your child enters college/university. While 63.3% of undergraduate students in the United States received a certain type of grant (including scholarships or tuition waivers), only 0.2% of them got $25,000 or more in scholarships per year. In fact, 45% of students graduated with an alarming average student loan debt. However, a high school math tutor ensures that your child’s math skills are sharp enough to fulfill the demands from an intense curriculum of a post-secondary institution, helping your child maintain their scholarship status.
“But what if my child wants to go into a program that doesn’t necessarily use math?”
Although most states only require at least 3 math credits to graduate high school, many universities and colleges have general education requirements that require students to take at least one quarter or a semester of math. Without those math courses, your child limits their educational advancements in post-secondary to graduate programs, making it harder for them to transfer universities or pursue another career path in medicine, engineering, etc. Such was the case for Ruby Watson, as she had to spend an additional year and a half strengthening her math and science skills after determining her desired field in nursing.
In hiring a high school math tutor, their math expertise and guidance can spare your child from financial repercussions and stress of university, leading them to an easier, more fulfilling life.
3. Provides insight into the importance of math
We’ve all come to a point in our high school careers where we ask ourselves, “Is math relevant to what I want to do in life?”. The answer will always be yes, but some students don’t see its true importance until it’s too late. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job market for mathematicians between 2019 and 2029 is expected to grow by 33 percent, with a predicted median salary of US $93,290 per year. This is why 20 percent of those who initially declared as math majors and ended up switching majors decided to take math courses prior to graduate.
Children, however, aren’t exposed to this consequence and thus don’t see the value of math courses, as the Let’s Talk Science report discovers that students perceive them as being too difficult or too boring. A high school math tutor can change such perception, emphasizing the importance of math during each of your child’s sessions with them. To enhance their understanding of math and its importance in everyday life, they can relate word problems to everyday tasks like budgeting, managing time and banking. A high school math tutor can also express the benefits of math career-wise through promoting STEM in the workforce, while also providing high school math help. For example, an astounding eighty percent of top entry level jobs are STEM related as workers in the field earn an average of twenty-six percent more in salary than non-STEM fields – quite an incentive!
Along with our advantageous high school program, we at MathProject have a distinguished team of visionary tutors ready to invigorate your child’s confidence in math and in a flourishing future. Call us +1 844-628-4243 to know more about high school math tutoring in Katy, Richmond, Cypress, Sugar Land, Missouri City and/or Hillcroft, and to book a free assessment!
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